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Pakistan's Democratic Crisis: Illegal Arrests of PTI Leaders Spark Global Outrage


The Arrest of Br Gohar: A Dark Day for Pakistan’s Democracy

In an unprecedented move, Br Gohar, the chairman of Pakistan's largest political party—PTI—was arrested at the gate of the country's Parliament without a warrant, notice, or even a formal charge. This illegality has not only created ripples in Pakistan but in the global platform also. The arrest was thus conducted under the current government which espouses democratic rule of law, but increasingly people are referring the process as fascist.

The Arrest that Shook the Nation

The arrest of Br Gohar along with several other members of other parliament from PTI is being viewed political vendetta by many as an attempt on part of the government to muzzle the largest opposition party in the country. Having the enormous street power and having 90% Pakistani voters with them, PTI has always been a huge factor for politics in Pakistan. This kind of crackdown is however a clear indication that there is something more radical going on in the powers that be-they have a phobia of the loss of power.

This is not a one-shot affair and yet is a habitual cause of the problem. Many PTI leaders and parliamentarians have been arrested in the recent past weeks after the massively attended PTI long march to Islamabad on September 8, 2024. More and more people are now asking if Pakistan is still a democracy or whether it has in fact already transited to a kind of martial law without actually declaring it.

A Clear Violation of Parliamentary Rights

"No arrests have ever been made from the gates of Parliament. These arrests cannot happen without the speaker’s permission, as the session is ongoing," said Barrister Umair Niazi, shedding light on just how unlawful these actions are.

It is wrong to arbitrarily arrest parliamentarians while the house is in session especially from premises of the parliament Acting of this method represents authority rather an emergence of a new sort of authoritarianism in Pakistan polity. Another black sheep in the police force is the Islamabad Capital Territory Police (@ICT_Police); the force has been implementing what many would call fascist rule throughout the country in addition to unlawfully detaining elected representatives without respecting the legal process.

The International Outcry and Global Condemnation

The International Outcry and Global Condemnation From all corners of the globe, voices have risen in condemnation of these arrests. The world is watching closely as Pakistan grapples with its democratic crisis. Several independent organizations, human rights groups, and political commentators have taken to social media and other platforms to voice their concerns about the state of democracy in Pakistan. This crackdown is seen as a direct attack on the opposition party’s leadership after PTI successfully rallied thousands in Islamabad. The government’s heavy-handed response suggests a deep fear of losing power. These arrests are a desperate attempt to weaken PTI's leadership, but they may only serve to further galvanize its supporters and expose the lengths to which the regime will go to maintain control.

Where Are the Arrested Leaders?

Among the most important trends of this process, it is possible to name the treatment of the arrested leaders. Sher Afzal Khan Marwat a PTI member has been shifted to an unknown place according to the news available till now. No matter how many times one asks, he seems to be missing; he is not in the Kohsar Police Station as was said, he was taken to.

Likewise, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur has also been arrested and still formal cases have not been launched against him. The various security guards who were supposed to be guarding his houses have disappeared and their phones dead more particularly that the whole nation is asking whether the Chief Minister is alright or not.

These cases give a rather grim picture of a state that is not only suppressing its political dissent but also practicing a blatant act of incommunicado detention which is a gross violation of human rights.

PTI Leadership Under Siege

The recent arrests are but a continuation of what is least a several-month-long crackdown to eradicate all leadership from PTI. Punjab police has arrested PTI leader Shoaib Shaheen from his office and this has also been stepped into visuals, making it clear that the government is intolerant with the party.

Zubair Khan, a PTI from South Waziristan was also nabbed from the gates of the Parliament. Many have been provoked by nothing but the raw nerve of arrest which saw a sitting member of the National Assembly arrested right at the doors of Parliament. It was a seine pointer to the fact that the government was out to decapitate the opposition by dealing with its key leaders.

The Fear of Losing Power

These arrests reflect a larger narrative—a regime fearful of its dwindling legitimacy and increasingly insecure in its grip on power. As more and more PTI leaders are detained, one thing becomes clear: the regime knows it is on borrowed time.

This fear, however, is only increasing a fire of resistance. The people of Pakistan especially the PTI vote bank, or the core constituency is not looking these arrests lightly. Every unlawful detention just adds to PTI’s popularity as the party which stands for the people while revealing the current regime as undemocratic.

What’s Next for PTI?

Ali Amin Gandapur is reportedly safe and will soon be making an appearance in front of the media to announce PTI’s next steps. The public, eager for a response, waits to hear how the party will navigate this dark period in Pakistan’s political history.

If the goal of these arrests was to weaken PTI, the outcome seems to be having the opposite effect. The more the regime cracks down on the party’s leadership, the stronger PTI’s street power becomes. The people of Pakistan are rallying behind the party, calling for justice and accountability in the face of what they see as a fascist regime.

The Funeral of Democracy?

Many commentators are calling this period the "funeral of democracy" in Pakistan. It’s not just about Br Gohar’s illegal arrest or the unlawful detentions of PTI parliamentarians—it’s about the erosion of the democratic institutions that Pakistan has fought so hard to build.

Barrister Umair Niazi’s words echo in the minds of many: "These arrests cannot happen without the speaker’s permission." Yet they did. This breach of parliamentary protocol is a sobering reminder that democracy in Pakistan is not just under threat—it’s being dismantled.

A Closing Thought: The Giants Who Paved the Way

In these turbulent times, a quote from Sir Isaac Newton seems fitting: "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Pakistan’s democratic struggles are built on the efforts of countless leaders who fought for the rule of law, free speech, and political freedom. Today, that legacy is at risk.

But the fight isn’t over. The people of Pakistan, galvanized by the unjust treatment of PTI and its leaders, are standing up. They will not forget these dark days, and they will demand accountability.

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1. Why was Br Gohar arrested without a warrant?

Br Gohar was arrested at the gates of Parliament without a legal warrant, notice, or FIR, signaling a direct violation of Pakistan’s legal and democratic processes.

2. What has the world done to these arrests?

Human rights organizations and other special interest groups as well as the international political analysts have criticized the arrests saying they infringed on democratic freedoms.

3. What should be PTI’s next move?

There are expectancies that a senior PTI leader namely Ali Amin Gandapur will address the nation soon and reveal the PTI’S course of action against these unlawful arrestations.

4. Moreso, how has the government justified these actions?

The government has not given any official reasons for these arrests and this gives people reason to think that this is a politically influenced crackdown.

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