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Imran Khan's Warning: "They Plan to Finish Me Off in Jail Like Morsi

The former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has once again become the leading figure in the ongoing Pakistan political crisis. While in Adiala Jail, Khan spoke through a message to the nation – to the establishment accusing it of cheating him and then threatening of a possible plan to ‘eliminate him’ like was done to Mohamed Morsi the former President of Egypt. This revelation has caused a lot of people to raise eyebrows and concern especially that it has emerged at a time when political tension in the country is rising.

Imran Khan’s Message: Deception and Broken Promises

In a detailed message, Imran Khan highlighted how the establishment begged him to reschedule his political gathering (jalsa) from August 22nd to September 8th. Citing security threats, they assured him complete support if the date was changed. Yet, according to Khan, the situation took a completely different turn.

Here’s what unfolded:

1.     Instead of facilitating the gathering, authorities placed thousands of containers at every entry point into Islamabad, restricting access to the venue.

2.     A night before the jalsa, contractors responsible for lighting and sound were arrested, effectively paralyzing the event’s logistics.

3.     The installation of a safety boundary was denied, further compromising the security of the attendees.

4.     Peaceful participants were met with tear gas, dispersing the crowd before they could even reach the venue.

5.     Post-jalsa, PTI (Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf) elected members were shockingly abducted by police within the premises of the National Assembly.

Khan didn't mince words when expressing his outrage, stating that the establishment and government had completely deceived him, breaking their commitments and dishonoring their word.

Khan’s Final Decision: No More Talks

After witnessing these actions, Khan made it clear: there will be no further negotiations with the establishment or the government. His trust in the system has been shattered. He emphasized that in politics, keeping the door open for discussions is crucial for the country’s welfare. However, for that to happen, "the word of honor" must mean something.

Unfortunately, for Imran Khan, the word of honor was "worthless" in this case. In a decisive tone, he reaffirmed that the jalsa on August 22nd would go ahead—with or without the required NOC (No Objection Certificate).

Chilling Revelations: “They Plan to Finish Me Off in Jail”

Perhaps the most harrowing part of Khan's message came on September 10th, where he raised serious concerns about his safety in jail. Drawing a parallel with Mohamed Morsi’s death in an Egyptian prison, Khan suggested a similar fate was planned for him.

His family was reportedly informed by a credible source that a decision had been made to eliminate him. The message pointedly addressed those orchestrating the plot, urging them to learn from history and the eventual fate of figures like Egypt's pharaohs, who employed such ruthless strategies.

A Look at Past Events: Failed Assassination Attempts

Khan further emphasized that this is not the first time his life has been in danger. During General Bajwa's tenure, there was an assassination attempt in Wazirabad, which Khan survived. During General Asim Munir’s time, the ISI allegedly took control of the judicial complex in Islamabad, with plans ready to eliminate him. But each time, Khan believes, it was divine intervention that saved him.

His belief is rooted in his faith, stating, "Because the decision for life and death is only with Allah SWT." Millions of Pakistanis and Muslims across the globe continue to pray for his safety, reflecting the emotional connection many have with him and the importance they see in his leadership for Pakistan.

Ongoing Struggles: Imran Khan’s Legal Battles

Imran Khan has faced a plethora of legal challenges, yet he has emerged unscathed in most cases. Despite being cleared of multiple charges, his freedom continues to be denied. His imprisonment at Adiala Jail, as per his claims, is tightly controlled by Pakistan’s powerful intelligence agency, ISI.

The big question many are asking is this: Why has Imran Khan asserted that his life is in danger in prison? His followers demand transparency and accountability. His message, invoking the death of Mohamed Morsi, has sparked a wave of concern among his supporters, who fear that their beloved leader might face a similar end.

The Bigger Picture: Pakistan’s Political Future

While Imran Khan’s message can be regarded as a post-trial scream of one man, it has more than an echo of political and social disturbances in Pakistan. The country stands at the precipice of a state of affairs that has the divide political system, decreasing trust between the institutions, and citizens who are seeking for explanations.

On the topic of leadership, one can’t argue that even though Khan’s leadership tends to be polarizing, he is nobody’s dumb sheep. His detention has further made him an icon of defiance for many Pakistanis and the things about the establishment he has said have angered his followers about how the country’s future is being planned.

What's Next?

The question remains: where does Pakistan go from here? Imran Khan's message has drawn a line in the sand. His refusal to engage with the establishment or government indicates a hardened stance, one that could lead to further political instability.

For Khan’s supporters, the immediate concern is his safety and his release from jail. Many are anxiously waiting for any signs of movement in his favor, hoping that the millions of prayers from around the world will result in a positive outcome.

But one thing is certain: the political landscape of Pakistan is far from settled, and Imran Khan, even from within the confines of Adiala Jail, remains at its very center.

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